Delta Force Wiki

Roy Smee (codename Stinger), is one of the operators in Delta Force: Hawk Ops.

Recruitment Rating:

Before him, numerous candidates appeared more qualified yet once he arrived, it become clear that no one was better suited for the role. If you're looking for a family doctor, I might recommend someone else. But if your goal is to survive on the battlefield. trust Roy.

Support Class:

  • Supports carry a range of gadgets, allowing them to rescue allies more quickly.


  • Hive-Tech Pistol - The Hive-Tech pistol can be used to heal multiple allies at the same time in the field by shooting them with the pistol (range of 50 meters), it can be shot into your deployed smoke grenade to turn the smoke into a healing smoke for allies (can not be shot into the smokescreen to turn it into a healing smoke). Lastly the pistol can be used to self heal when needed.
  • Smokescreen - The smokescreen can be used to deploy a long line of smoke to provide cover when traveling through out the maps in the game mode "Hazard Operations". This ability takes 45 seconds to cooldown before it can be deployed again.
  • Hive-Tech Smoke Grenade - This smoke grenade is used like a normal grenade but produces a cloud of smoke instead of a line of smoke like the Smokescreen. This smoke can be shot with the Hive-Tech Pistol to turn the smoke into a healing smoke for allies.


  • Expertly Rescue - This trait allows Stinger to use nanorobots to rescue teammates at a quicker rate then other operators, operators are given full health on revive.

See also[]
